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Home / Cold appetizers / Cheese sticks

Cheese sticks


500 ml of water

35-40 g fresh yeast (8-10 g dry yeast)

1 spoon of sugar

850 g of flour

50 ml of oil

1 spoon of salt

500 g of small cheese

200 g of butter or margarine for coating the dough

1 egg


Pour warm water into the mixing bowl, add yeast and sugar and let the yeast activate for ten minutes.

After that time, add half a measure of flour, oil and salt and stir everything.

Add the rest of the flour up to 800 g and knead the dough.

The remaining 50 g is used to shape the dough additionally, if it sticks to your hands.

Divide the dough into 4 equal parts, make balls from the dough and leave covered with a cloth to rest for 30-60 minutes.

Melt the butter, but don’t let it be hot, but let one part start to melt and the other part stay soft and mix everything.

Roll out all 4 parts of the dough into a 20-30 cm circle.

Spread a quarter of the butter and a quarter of the cheese on the first circle. Transfer the second circle and repeat the same, we also do the same with the third circle and match everything with the fourth.

When we cover with the fourth rolling pin and use our hands to pull out the edges a little so that it looks like a rectangle, it doesn’t have to be anything precise.

Now spread the rest of the butter and put the remaining cheese, but on the upper half of the dough.

We fold the lower half of the dough, fix it a little with our hands and press it so that everything sticks, and then we roll it left and right with a rolling pin to a thickness of 1 cm.

Cut strips of 2-3 cm.

We twist each taka to the opposite side and arrange it in a greased baking sheet.

Let it stand for 30 minutes.

Turn on the oven to heat up to 200 degrees.

Beat the egg and coat everything. Various seeds can be added if desired.

When the oven is heated, put it to bake for 25 to 30 minutes, it depends on how you like it, whether it’s more or less done.

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