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Home / Desserts / DULCE DE LECHE CAKE


⁣For the cake:

1kg. flour with leavening agent.
1kg. of sugar.
500 gr. of margarine.
1 liter of milk.
10 eggs.
10 drops of cream essence.⁣
1 teaspoon of vanilla essence.⁣
Zest of one lemon.

Decoration: ⁣
1 can of condensed milk or arequipe (dulce de leche)⁣


1) Beat margarine, eggs, lemon zest and sugar in a bowl until creamy.⁣

2) Add the essence of cream and vanilla.⁣
Incorporate the flour and milk in an enveloping way with a wooden spoon.⁣

3) In a previously floured and buttered mold, pour the mixture and bake at 250°C for 45 minutes or until it is ready according to the stick test.⁣


1) Place the can of condensed milk in a water bath for 2 hours. When cool open very carefully.

2) Cut the cake horizontally with a nylon thread on the floors you want.⁣

3) Fill each floor and when assembling the cake, finish covering it on the outside with the arequipe (dulce de leche).⁣

4) You can also remember with a pastry bag.⁣

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