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Home / Main Dish / Meatballs In Tomato Sauce

Meatballs In Tomato Sauce


750 g ground beef or pork
2 eggs
400 g of fried tomato
2 garlic cloves
2 carrots
1/2 can of peas
ground bread
1 glass of Jerez for cooking
1/2 glass of water
4 medium potatoes
Olive oil
Salt to taste
A little chopped parsley

Beat the two eggs in a large bowl, and add the ground beef and the two cloves of garlic, finely chopped. Let it rest for 2-3 minutes. Add a little ground bread to make a homogeneous mass. Once we have it, we make the meatballs the approximate size of a walnut. Coat them in ground bread and reserve them. Peel the carrots and cut them into thin slices. Peel the potatoes, chop them and fry them in a fryer with olive oil, previously heated to 180º C. When putting the potatoes in, we lower the temperature to 90º C, and let them fry until they are soft. Once they are, we raise the basket of the fryer and reserve. Heat a frying pan with a little olive oil, and fry the meatballs. When they are golden, drain them and place them in a casserole. Add the fried tomato and the glass of sherry, as well as the already cut carrot and the peas (previously drained). We remove and add the water. Let cook for about 15 minutes (until the carrot is soft). Once the meatballs are finished cooking, we raise the temperature of the fryer to 180º C and introduce the potatoes until they are golden brown.

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