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Home / Main Dish / Quick dinner

Quick dinner


-450 grams of bread with or without crust;
-250 grams of tomato sauce;
-400 grams of mozzarella cheese;
-200 grams of ham;
-200 grams of cottage cheese;
-200 grams of sour cream;
-1 tomato cut into slices;
– Oregano to taste.


-In a bowl mix the cream and cream cheese to make a simple white sauce.
-Take a platter put some tomato sauce on the bottom, then cover with
bread slices.
-Put 1/3 of the white sauce (mix only cottage cheese and cream).
-Then add a layer of cheese and another of ham.

On average that of making three layers equal to
this one, finishing with white cream, mozzarella, sliced ​​tomatoes and sprinkling oregano on top.
-Then take it to the preheated oven at 180 degrees and leave about 20 minutes, until golden on top.

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