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Home / Main Dish / Spicy Steamed Dumplings

Spicy Steamed Dumplings


2 lbs of bok choy, washed and julienned
1 package of wonton/dumpling wrapper
1 box of firm tofu, drained & mashed
¼ cup of saute mushrooms
1 tablespoon black bean sauce
1 tablespoon corn starch
salt to taste
Spicy sauce (whisk all ingredients in a bowl until sugar dissolves):
3 tablespoons soy sauce
2 tablespoon chili oil with chili crumbs
1 tablespoon sesame oil
1 teaspoon Chinese black vinegar
1 teaspoon grated ginger
1 teaspoon sugar


Place julienned bok choy in a large bowl with 2 tsp salt, using your hands, gently massage salt into veggies. Set aside for 15-20mins. In a heated pan with 1 tsp oil, sauté mushrooms until lightly brown, add black bean sauce and stir until well combined, set aside and pan fry mashed tofu for 2 minutes (or until brown), season with salt. Place both ingredients in a big bowl.

Using a cheesecloth or just with your palms, squeeze as much liquid out as possible from your bok choy. Add tofu mixture, cornstarch, combine well & season if needed.

Place a dollop of mixture in the middle of your wrapper, moisten side with water and pleat to seal. Place wontons on a steamer basket and steam for 15mins in high heat. Remove and serve warm with spicy sauce. You can serve sauce on the side or as pictured.

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